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Central Region hosts paddling, canoeing, kayaking adventures

Boat Launch - Quinebaug River Canoe Trail - East Brimfield, MA
East Brimfield Lake / Holland Pond / Lake Siog / Quinebaug River Recreation Area

Route 20 and East Brimfield Holland Road East Brimfield, MA, 01010 Phone:

This major recreation area consisting of a lake, the Quinebaug River, and several ponds includes a canoeing trail.
Doane's Falls

Athol Road Royalston, MA Phone: 978-840-4446

When the tranquil waters of Lawrence Brook reach Doane's Falls, they tumble in a sequence of dramatic waterfalls. Along the way, large boulders in the streambed, small forested islands, and flat rock slabs divide the fast-rushing stream before it empties into Tully Lake. On the southern bank of Lawrence Brook, just upstream from the falls, is Coddings Meadow, a little-known clearing in the wood that offers views of the quiet waters of Lawrence Brook and is an excellent launch site for exploring the brook by canoe or kayak.
Foliage Lake View - Dunn State Park - Gardner, MA
Dunn State Park

289 Pearl Street Gardner, MA, 01440 Phone: 508-632-7897

This park revolves around a pond, where swimming, fishing and paddling is done. You must bring your own canoe or kayak; they are not available for rent here.
Leominster State Forest - Leominster, MA - Photo Credit MA State Parks
Leominster State Forest

90 Fitchburg Road - Route 31 Leominster, MA, 01420 Phone: 508-874-2303

Leominster State Forest is a 4,300-acre forest with two ponds. Easy drive from Worcester and Boston. Kayakers, canoeists, paddlers and fishermen enjoy Paradise Pond. Also, Crow Hill Pond is stocked with trout. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, parking fees are charged in the paved parking lots.
Lake Swimming Area - Douglas State Forest - Douglas, MA - Photo Credit Jezabell Tang
Douglas State Forest

107 Wallum Lake Road Douglas, MA, 01516 Phone: 508-476-7872

Paddling, motor boating, and other water sports are done at this state park. A boat ramp and parking is available for boat trailers. - Trail Map (PDF)