Buck Island Road
Yarmouth, MA, 02675
Phone: 508-398-2231
Open Memorial Day to Labor Day; fresh water pond; parking fee
This beach, on a freshwater pond, offers tennis courts, a basketball court, a softball field, and other playing fields, picnic area, playground, restrooms. Lifeguards and gate attendants on duty 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Operated by the town of Yarmouth.
Fees: Town beach stickers may be purchased by town residents at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, and at the Chamber of Commerce, 424 Route 28, West Yarmouth. Resident sticker is $35. Non-residence may purchase beach stickers at beach booths. Cost for non-residents is $250 a season, $20 a day, and $75 a week.