
Fresh Water Beaches - Cape Cod & The Islands, MA

Scargo Lake Beach

Scargo Hill Road Dennis, MA, 02670 Phone: 508-760-6159

Memorial Day to Labor Day; freshwater pond swimming in the woods

Freshwater swimming surrounded by woods. Life guards; restroom; snack bar; handicap accessible.
Fees: Resident beach stickers, $50 per year; non-residents, $90 weekly and $180 seasonally. Buy stickers at Dennis Town Hall, 485 Main Street.
Sandy Pond Beach and Recreation Area

Buck Island Road Yarmouth, MA, 02675 Phone: 508-398-2231

Open Memorial Day to Labor Day; fresh water pond; parking fee

This beach, on a freshwater pond, offers tennis courts, a basketball court, a softball field, and other playing fields, picnic area, playground, restrooms. Lifeguards and gate attendants on duty 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Operated by the town of Yarmouth.
Fees: Town beach stickers may be purchased by town residents at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, and at the Chamber of Commerce, 424 Route 28, West Yarmouth. Resident sticker is $35. Non-residence may purchase beach stickers at beach booths. Cost for non-residents is $250 a season, $20 a day, and $75 a week.
Wiley Park

Herring Brook Road Eastham, MA Phone:

Third week of June to Labor Day; inland pond with some salt and fresh water; good for younger kids

This beach, on Great Pond, is great for families with small children. A smaller and a larger pond connect to the Bay by Herring Brook, so some water is salt and some is fresh. Swimmers can jump off platforms out in water. The sand beach area is small and there is shade. Good for small children and elderly adults. Life guards on duty, food for sale, bathrooms and showers, playground, picnic area. Managed by the Town of Eastham.
Fees: Daily, $25; weekly, $100; two-week, $150; seasonal $250
Long Pond (Wings Grove)

Indian Memorial Drive off Station Avenue Yarmouth, MA, 02675 Phone: 508-398-2231

Open Memorial Day to Labor Day; fresh water beach on inland pond

This small, fresh-water beach on a pond has a playground and a wooded area. Life guards; basketball court; seasonal Porta-John. Operated by the town of Yarmouth.
Fees: Town beach stickers may be purchased by town residents Town Hall. Resident sticker is $35. Non-residence may purchase beach stickers at beach booths. Cost for non-residents is $250 a season, $20 a day, and $75 a week.
Beach - Nickerson State Park - Brewster, MA - Photo Credit MA State Parks
Nickerson State Park

3488 Main Street - Route 6A Brewster, MA, 02631 Phone: 508-896-3491

Inland park offers lots of camping; fresh water swimming, fishing and paddling; hiking and biking

This is a park in the woods of Cape Cod, and swimming is in fresh-water ponds. - Trail Map (PDF)
Flax Pond

North Main Street Yarmouth, MA, 02675 Phone: 508-398-2231

Memorial Day to Labor Day; fresh water pond, no sandy beach; playing fields; picnic area

Fresh-water pond with pine-needle covered grounds; no sandy beach. This is the recreational area for the town of Yarmouth summer activities program. Recreation area with ball field, volleyball, basketball court, picnic area, bathroom facilities, parking. Lifeguards on duty.
Fees: Town beach stickers may be purchased by town residents at Town Hall. Resident sticker is $35. Non-residence may purchase beach stickers at beach booths. Cost for non-residents is $20 a day, $75 a week, $250 a year.